San Ignacio Vistas, Inc.
Diana Sheets, Chair
Lorri Ague
George Bichler
The Audit Committee will be composed of a maximum of 3 Members of the Association. No member of the Board may serve on the Audit Committee. The duties of the Audit Committee will be to:
A. Annually recommend to the Board a review or compilation as required by applicable law by either a Certified Public Accountant, a public accountant who is not a licensed CPA or by the Internal Audit Committee of the Association;
B. Present to the Board and at the Annual Meeting a Report on the findings of such audit, review or compilation;
C. Present to the Board recommendations regarding matters, if any, coming to the attention of the Committee during the conduct of their internal audit.
The committee will exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required by the Board and in all matters, the committee will report to and make its recommendations directly to the Board.