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If you are interested in serving
on the Board of Directors, please 

Members to be determined


The Nominating Committee will select a slate of nominees to be presented to the Members as candidates for election to the Board.  The nominating committee will consist of a chairperson, who must be a director, and two or more Members of the Association. All nominees must be Members in good standing of the Association (current with any dues, assessments or penalties and clear of any violations).  No lot may be represented
by more than one nominee and/or Director.

The nominating committee will make as many nominations for election to the Board as it may in its discretion determine, but not less than the number of vacancies that are to be filled.

In the event a nominee is not chosen by the nominating committee they may still run by petition using the form provided by the Association Secretary.  Petition must be submitted to the Association Secretary at least 60 days in advance of the Annual Meeting and must bear the signature of members representing 20 lots.  Upon verification of the petition, the nominating committee is obligated to place on its slate of nominees the Member put forward in said petition.  The slate of nominees will be presented to the Members by mail at least 30 days in advance of the annual meeting.

If after the nominating committee will select a slate of nominees to be presented to the Members as candidates for election to the Board pursuant to Article V, Section 1 of the By-laws, the number of nominees is less than or equal to the number of open director positions to be filled, at the option of the Board, there shall be no balloting or vote conducted or held for the election of such nominees, and in such event, the nominees shall be deemed to have been elected as directors by acclamation or unanimous consent of the Members.

Copyright San Ignacio Vistas, Inc. All rights reserved

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